Python Data Types

x = true # Boolean
y = "Hello World" # This is a string
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 'four'] # this is a list
letters = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') # this is a tuple
v = {
    'address':'xyz street'
} # Its a dictionary in python

my_set = {1, 'apple', 10.5} # this is a set
my_set.add('banana') # this adds 'banana' to my set : my_set = {1, 'apple', 10.5, 'banana'}
my_set.add('apple') # this won't add nothing because apple is already in the set
my_set.remove('apple') # this removes 'apple' from the set: my_set = {1, 10.5, 'banana'}

my_frozen_set = frozenset(my_set) # this freezes my_set
Important Note